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Additional Working Capital Secured

xReality Group Limited (“XRG” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has secured an additional $500,000 in working capital through its senior debt holder, Causeway Financial. The additional working capital will be utilised to provide inventory for the increasing demand in the United States markets.

Key Highlights:

  • XRG senior debt facility with Causeway Financial has been increased by $500,000 and the term has been extended to September 2025. All other terms and conditions of the loan facility remain unchanged, ensuring the company retains its favourable borrowing conditions.
  • The additional funds will be used to manage the required inventory to address the significant increase in Operator XR orders. Maintaining a larger inventory of hardware in the US will expedite the delivery times and streamline the logistics involved.

XRG CEO, Wayne Jones said: “The additional working capital gives the company increased financial flexibility to streamline our processes for delivery and capitalise on the current traction we are experiencing in the US Law Enforcement markets.”

This ASX Release is authorised by the Board of xReality Group Limited.

Click here for the full ASX Release

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