Emu NL hereby submits an amended ASX Release made earlier this morning in its entirety which now includes the following link to be able to view a video from CEO Doug Grewar on this announcement.
EMU NL (ASX: EMU) (“EMU” or “the Company”) is pleased to provide an exploration update on the Fiery Creek Copper prospect located within the Georgetown Project in North Queensland. The Company’s mobilised and highly experienced exploration team is undertaking extended geochemistry and geophysics programmes at Fiery Creek to further investigate and build upon this potentially significant copper porphyry discovery.
- EMU’s exploration team identifies significant extensions to the high-grade copper veining at Fiery Creek prospect
- High grade surface copper veining extends 2.5km along strike within a major structural NNW setting interleaved with NNW striking mineralised shear zones between 60-120m wide located between non mineralised granodiorite
- Interpretation of aeromagnetic data suggests that this zone of structural geologic disruption with potential mineralisation and hydrothermal alteration extends approximately 6km to the SSW within the Yataga Igneous Complex
- The shear zones have been invaded by prevalent stockwork veining of quartz and copper oxides with substantial hydrothermal fluidisation observed in several impulse phases
- Growing evidence (mineralogy and geochemistry) strongly points to the mineralisation being developed directly above and in contact with the potassic copper shell of an interpreted porphyry copper system
- EMU’s field teams conducting soil, rock and termite sampling over the newly identified extension
- pXRF sampling programme to commence this week will provide immediate feedback on mineralisation
- LIDAR and photogrammetry drone survey underway to provide high resolution topographical and photographic definition of structural settings will also improve access route and drill planning
- A geophysics survey (including pole dipole, IP, resistivity and MT) scheduled and on target to commence August 2024
- EMU expediting accesses for a drill programme at Fiery Creek following interpretation and vectoring from geophysics results
EMU Non-Executive Chairman Peter Thomas commented,
“In field progress and updates are extremely pleasing and thus incredibly exciting. The identified extent of the high-grade copper system at Fiery Creek is growing. What was already thought to have the makings of a massive multimillion tonne copper porphyry system, just keeps getting bigger.All indications are consistent with the fact that the Fiery Creek Copper prospect lies at the magmatic – hydrothermal transition zone. Hence, the postulated subjacent porphyry copper shell, which is interpreted to be the source of high-grade copper mineralisation, appears to lie at a very modest depth below surface.Results from our geochemistry and geophysics surveys are directed at delivering optimised vectors for our maiden drilling programme.”
Fiery Creek Copper Prospect
The Fiery Creek Copper prospect is hosted within a major NNW striking shear zone developed in the core of the Yataga Igneous Complex. The complex is a medium grained, equigranular, ovoid, granodiorite body, which at 29km2 is the largest such igneous body known in the Georgetown Inlier.
Field work has highlighted that this major shear structural zone appears to extend over a geologic strike length of approximately 2.5km and up to 2.0km in width. This zone of mineralisation identifies as a substantial drill target with outcropping veining, copper enriched stockwork and dissemination. It is posited from aeromagnetic data the shear zone is likely to continue along strike for a further 3.5-4.0km. Initial copper mineralisation, within these shear zones, has been traced and identified from just 1.3m of exposed veining from EMU’s previous reconnaissance field trips1. Follow up geological reconnaissance, currently being conducted at Fiery Creek, has identified that the main zones of shearing and cataclastic brecciation of the host Yataga Igneous Complex has developed over coherent widths of between 60 to 120m. To date, four of these cataclastic shear zones have been identified with the potential for further extensions to be identified as the programme continues and the system is further investigated.
Click here for the full ASX Release
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