Many Peaks Minerals Limited (ASX:MPK) (Many Peaks or the Company) is pleased to announce entering a binding Share Sale Agreement (Agreement) with Turaco Gold Limited (Turaco) to acquire its 89% interest in CDI Holdings (Guernsey) Ltd (CDI Holdings). CDI Holdings is an 89% subsidiary of Turaco, held with Predictive Discovery Limited (Predictive), holding an 11% free carry ownership in a joint venture with Turaco. The Agreement will trigger Turaco’s drag-along right in its joint venture with Predictive, whereby Many Peaks will also acquire Predictive’s remaining 11% interest and consolidate 100% ownership of the joint venture entity CDI Holdings.
- Agreement to acquire 100% interest in Turaco Gold Ltd and Predictive Discovery Ltd joint venture holding the right to acquire an 85% interest in four mineral permits in Cote d’Ivoire
- Permits cover expansive 1,275km2 land package including recent gold discoveries with over US$4m previous exploration expenditure
- Acquisition includes the Ferke Gold Project, hosting the recent Ouarigue South discovery with open mineralisation ready for follow-up, and the Odienne Project immediately along strike from new gold discoveries
- Drilling to commence as soon as practicable in the coming quarter
Ferke Gold Project, 300km2
- 16km mineralised trend in soils with limited exploration follow-up.
- Previous diamond drilling confirms new discovery at the Ouarigue South prospect; results include:
- 35.95m @ 3.88 g/t gold within 77.6m @ 2.33 g/t gold from 45.9m and;
4.7m @ 6.14 g/t gold from 134m – FNDC001 - 91.1m @ 2.02 g/t gold from surface – FNDC008
- 47m @ 3.72 g/t gold from surface – FNDC012
- 15m @ 2.06 g/t gold from surface and
116.5m @ 0.98 g/t gold from 34.5m, including 30.09m @ 1.86 g/t gold – FNDC005 - 18m @ 3.38 g/t gold from 107m and;
13.65m @ 2.13 g/t gold from 194m – FNDC018 - 9.75m @ 7.46 g/t gold within 54.17m @ 1.88 g/t gold from 59.58m – FNDC019
- 35.95m @ 3.88 g/t gold within 77.6m @ 2.33 g/t gold from 45.9m and;
Odienne Project, 758km2
- Project covers significant extent of high-strain corridor associated with the Archean domain
- margin and is comparable in stratigraphy to Guinea’s Siguiri basin
- On trend with Predictive’s 5.4Moz Au Bankan Project and Centamin’s 2.16Moz ABC project and contiguous to a new discovery by Awalé Resources/Newmont joint venture
- Recent first pass, wide-spaced air core drilling highlights a continuous zone of mineralisation returning >1g/t gold over 1,200m strike extent, with results including:
- 12m @ 1.18g/t gold from 4m
- 12m @ 1.06g/t gold from 16m
- 8m @ 1.30g/t gold from 28m
The consideration for the purchase of 100% of CDI Holdings will be an aggregate 5,617,978 fully paid ordinary shares in Many Peaks subject to a 12 month escrow, to be issued under the Company’s capacity under ASX listing rule 7.1. Upon completion, Many Peaks will also assume a royalty deed for a 1% net smelter return royalty payable to Resolute (Treasury) Pty Ltd (Resolute)—further information on terms and conditions precedent outlined below.
Many Peaks’ Executive Chairman, Travis Schwertfeger, commented: “The Ferke and Odienne Projects in Cote d’Ivoire deliver Many Peaks a strong foundation of exploration success in Cote d’Ivoire with the potential to build significant high- grade ounces in the near term. Both projects are already covered with systematic geochemical coverage and high-resolution geophysics, which have led to demonstrated gold mineralisation confirmed in drilling. Leveraging over US$4m of previous expenditure in recent years has generated multiple targets ready for follow-up, including extension targets, providing Many Peaks with a transformational acquisition with near-term resource potential viable.
Our team has a depth of West African operating experience tied to multiple discovery and development projects over the past 15 years, and our technical team looks forward to operating in Cote d'Ivoire again. Over recent years, it has emerged as a premier jurisdiction within West Africa to operate in, with several recent exploration and development successes.
Figure 1: Project Locations
Ferke Gold Project
The Ferké Gold Project (Ferke) is located in northern Cote d’Ivoire, covering 300km2 in a granted exploration permit licence. Ferke is situated on the eastern margin of the Daloa greenstone belt at the intersection of major regional scale shear zones (refer to Figure 1). Initial exploration undertaken at the Ferke Gold Project by Predictive Discovery Ltd in 2016 and 2017 (previously referred to as Ferkessedougou North) comprised several phases of geochemical stream and soil sampling across the permit area, which has defined a more than 16km long gold-in-soils anomaly on the ‘Leraba Gold Trend’ (refer to Figure 2 and Predictive’s ASX announcement dated 2 February 2017).
Click here for the full ASX Release
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