Norfolk Metals Ltd (ASX:NFL) (Norfolk or the Company) initiated a soil program at the Roger River Project (Tasmania) to obtain a better understanding of the copper and gold mineralisation to guide the next exploration phase and potential drilling.
- Roger River Project (Tasmania) soil study complete with successful reanalysis of historical samples
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Figure 1: Soil study showing new and historical sample locations
Roger River (Tasmania) Update
The program focus was to provide a lateral vector or a possible surface trend or strike to the native copper (Cu) mineralization intersected in hole 22RRD-001 at Anomaly 2 (A2). The soil program consisted of new surface samples and the re-analyses of selected historical samples (not previously sampled for Cu) being submitted for Cu (multi-elements) analysis.
Figure 2: Roger River Project Location
New surface samples were collected on a 200 x 100m grid around A2 with a total of 98 samples collected covering an area of approximately 1.2km x 1.5km over the interpreted splay from the Roger River Fault. The results revealed a maximum of 11 ppb for gold (Au), 221 ppm for copper (Cu) and 35 ppm for arsenic (As). Gridding and plotting of both gold and arsenic results revealed linear anomalies that are coincident with the interpreted main structures (splays) considered as potential conduits for the mineralizing fluids in the Roger River epithermal system (Figure 1).
Click here for the full ASX Release
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